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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield

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Game Name : Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2008-02-27 14:16:01
Views : 19983

Cheat mde
Press TILDE ~ (That button beside 1) to bring down the console and enter the following cheats:

Result - Code:

Resets all cheats - resetmeall
Quit game - quit
God mode for player - god
God mode for team - godteam
God mode for terrorists - godterro
God mode for hostages - godhostage 1
Disable god mode (hostages) - godhostage 2
All the god modes - godall
Third person view - behindview 0 or 1
Flight mode - ghost
Disable flight - walk
Full ammunition - fullammo
Record demo - demorec
Stop recording - stopdemo
Play demo - demoplay
Game never ends - toggleunlimitedpractice
Walk through entities - togglecollision
View threat information - togglethreatinfo
Kill all terrorists - neutralizeterro
Disarm all bombs - disarmbombs
Deactivate IO devices - deactivateiodevice
Rescue all hostages - rescutehostage
Disable morality - disablemorality
Summon all terrorists - callterro
Invisible to terrorists - playerinvisible
Terrorists surrender on sight- tsurrender
Terrorists shoot wildly - tsprayfire
Terrorists only fire at you - taimedfire
Terrorists all run away - trunaway
Terrorists go back to normal - tnothreat
See all terrorists on map - rendspot
Hostage threat information - togglehostagethreat
Reset hostage threat - resetthreat
Next hostage animation - hna
Previous hostage animation - hpa
Animate hostage - hp 0 or 1
(0 for no loop, 1 for looping)
Show field of viision - showfov
Show weapon direction - gundirection
Show terrorist/hostage routes - route
Show all map routes - routeall
Remove all NPCs - killthemall
Remove all terrorists - killterro
Remove all hostages - killhostage
Kill all Rainbow operatives - killrainbow
Remove opponents - killpawns
Game modes - sgi

Penthouse: Easier kills:
Even though you are told "no shooting" in this level, there is a surprise later where you have to shoot to first save someone then escape. Because of this, change your secondary weapon to either the Desert Eagle or SR-2. This way you will not have to shoot someone four times to kill him with a weak silenced pistol.

Garage: Capturing Emilio Vargas:
In order to capture Vargas you need to move fast. This will cause you to take some damage, but to take out enemies quickly use the HE grenade launcher or the Red Phosphorus grenade launcher. Use it on groups of enemies as you are chasing after him. This works best on the two guards in the cafeteria style room; if you have not caught him yet, you can shoot the grenade off the wall and take both out without stopping.

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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield Cheat Codes at Game Score

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